As a tribute the provost sign painters, the Canadian Forces Military Police Academy (CFMPA) recently unveiled a new historical display titled "The Artist." Conceived and constructed by Sergeant Ian Beswick, with carpentry assistance from Sergeant Jodi Woolridge, this life-size display depicts a provost sign painter hard at work. "The Artist," CFMPA Historical Collection, CFMPA Borden (Photos: Sergeant Ian Beswick). In addition to his regular job as the NCO IC Standards/Development, Sergeant Beswick is the Academy's historian and coordinates its growing heritage collection. Based on a few wartime photos, Sergeant Beswick was able to recreate the look and atmosphere of a less glamourous, but nonetheless essential, aspect of wartime provost work. Careful inspection reveals period-correct signs, paint can labels based on actual wartime examples, and reproduction wooden crates featuring authentically-styled labels and stamps. Bravo Zulu to Sergeant Beswick and the other CFMPA staff members who helped make this new historical display a reality!
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October 2024