Article by MWO Denis Cournoyer, CFMPA RSM On the 22 Apr 2016, family, friends and co-worker attended the Remembrance Ceremony of Cpl Matthew Dinning and Cpl Randy Payne. Sgt Dave Houthuyzen requested to be the OPI for the event and he did an outstanding job. The day started at 0600 hrs, with the “Payne training”. Candidates from the MP QL3, MPOC and 6A joined their efforts with the staff to complete this intense PT session. At 1500 hrs, a ceremony of life was conducted in Stewart Square in front of the Cenotaph. This very emotional ceremony reunited several friends and family that hadn’t seen each other in years. All guests were invited afterwards to the Thunderbird Center for refreshments and of course war stories. BZ, Sgt Dave Houthuyzen, you did an amazing job! On the 30 Apr 2016, CFMPA hosted the 1909 Collingwood OPP Army Cadet Corps for the day. This annual event is led by the candidates in house demonstrated through several stations all type of aspect of the Military Police trade. From crime scenes to driving simulator the future generation were all smiles throughout the day. On the 1st May 2016, at 0700 hrs CFMPA loaded a bus filled with candidates and staff to participate in the Ontario Police Memorial Fund parade. Yes, it was rainy and cold; however, all staff and candidates proudly represented the Military Police. Other police agencies from all over were present and Military Police veterans also participated. Overall it was a great day and the candidates really enjoyed participating in this significant event. On the 7 May 2016, MPOC and MP QL3 0016 conducted a BBQ/ Car Wash at Sobeys in Angus. In a 4 hrs period they raised an impressive $900.00 for the Military Police Fund for Blind Children. Apparently the highlight of the day was to throw a bucket of water on the RSM after getting the blessing from his wife!!! On the 17/18 May 2016, the Red Beret and Graduation parade were held for the MP QL3 1601. For the first time, CFMPA held an outdoor parade on its ground, hosting over 250 guests and graduating 85 new MP. Through a revised training schedule, CFMPA staff combined their efforts (as always), and provide the best training to form new MP ready and eager to serve their Branch and Country. Guardhouses across Canada are extremely happy to receive so many new MP. It should be noted that the 3 MP QL3 platoons combined forces with the MPOC course and raised over $8000.00 for the Military Police Fund for Blind Children in 4 ½ months. Congratulation to all and good luck. What is coming up?9 Jun 2016 – CFB Borden Centennial parade As part of the commemoration events of CFB Borden centennial, military units from CFB Borden, the Grey and Simcoe Foresters, RCMP, OPP, City of Barrie Police, District E Legion, and Cadets will be participating in the unveiling of the Memorial Wall at the north entrance of CFB Borden. (10:40 seated VVIP arrival 10:50). On a personal note, this will be my last SitRep that I will provide in favor of CFMPA. It has been truly a privilege to be CSM and RSM for this unit for the past two years and I will never forget what was accomplished here during this time. Thank you to the Chain of Command for their trust, thanks to the staff for their support and dedication and also a big thanks you to the veterans for your friendship and helped us doing some amazing events throughout the last two years. New challenges are coming my way with the CFNIS HQ and I would like to wish all the best to CWO Crystal Krammer who will take over the Academy CWO and Branch Chief positions. Again thank you all for your support! SECURITAS
Article by Capt Joanna Labonte, Public Affairs, CF MP Gp
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Article by Capt Joanna Labonte, Public Affairs Officer, CF MP Gp ![]() Originally from Sept-Îles, Québec, retired Military Police member Master Corporal André Girard served with the Canadian Armed Forces for 15 years. In September 2007, while deployed in Afghanistan, André was shot in the head during a military patrol in Kandahar Province, Afghanistan. His injury was serious and his recuperation and rehabilitation have been a long and challenging journey. He has worked hard to rehabilitate and has since medically released from the CAF. As a military veteran, André now serves as a member of Team Canada on the 2016 Invictus Games. At this year’s games, André competed in the indoor rowing competitions. André explains that next year will be ten years since he was injured in Afghanistan. “I want to show the world, not only did I survive my injury, but ten years later, I am hoping I will make the team again and go for gold on home soil.” ![]() You may not be aware of this, but the TD Insurance - Meloche Monnex is an affinity partner with the CMPA. Through TD, you can get extremely competitive rates on home and auto insurance, just for being a member of the CMPA! Visit TD Insurance today to request a quote, or click here to learn more about the intricacies of car insurance in Canada and how TD can help you out. Remember, you need to be a member of the CMPA to take advantage of this special offer. If you've not yet joined, or need to renew, visit our Membership page. All merchandise and memorabilia in relation to the Military Police Branch can be found at the CMPA Military Police Kit shop.
![]() We’ve added a new feature to the site. Under the “Media” tab, you’ll now be able to access the official MP Branch newsletter! Click here to read to visit the newsletter page now. The CMPA doesn't produce this newsletter; it’s a communication tool owned by the two MP Branch Advisors and coordinated by members of the CF MP Gp HQ staff. CMPA was recently given permission to post the newsletters on our public website. When we do, we may make some minor edits to preserve operational security. Through the newsletter, you’ll be able to keep track of current events, Branch issues, and career information for serving members. The newsletter itself is a fairly new initiative for the MP Branch: the first issue was released in January 2016, and the second issue was released in March. Now that we’re caught up, the next issue is scheduled for release in June. ![]() The MP Reunion, set for 11-13 August 2016 at CFB Trenton, is fast approaching. To date, over 200 former and current members of the MP family have registered or indicated they plan on attending. Complete details are included in the attached brochures; however, some of the events planned include golfing, fishing, tours of the new CFMPA facility and the National Air Force Museum, local sightseeing tours (including local wineries and craft beer producers),and an MP static display.
Remember the cut-off date for registration is 31 May 2016! French and English registration forms are attached. For more information, contact Wayne Kendall at [email protected].
![]() On 26 May 2016, Canadian Forces Military Police Academy (CFMPA) will parade on the occasion of the change of appointment between the out-going RSM, MWO Denis Cournoyer, and CWO Crystal Krammer, the new RSM. The venue for this event will be the Colonel Stone Parade Square, located in front of the cenotaph (Bldg E-211, CFB Borden). LCol Adam Battista, CFMPA Commandant, will oversee this change of appointment ceremony. A reception/BBQ will be held at Thunderbird Center following the ceremony. All are welcome to attend. Sequence of events:
Between 18-19 May 16, the Canadian Forces Military Police Academy (CMPA) will be hosting the first MP QL3 Graduation Ceremony in its new format: for the first time, 80+ brand new MP will be graduating in one parade. The graduation festivities will be split across two days, with family and friends welcome to attend at both events: 17 May 16 - "Red Beret Ceremony"The “Red Beret” ceremony is when all new graduates are presented with their red berets for the first time. Dress:
18 May 16 - Graduation ParadeDuring the formal graduation ceremony, the new MP will receive their credentials. A number of special guests and dignitaries will also be on hand. Dress
All festivities will occur at the Colonel Stone building, 538 Cambrai Rd, CFB Borden, ON.
January 2025