![]() Just a reminder that 30 July 2016 is the deadline for submitting applications for this year's CMPA Scholarship competition. Mark that date in your calendars, because no extensions will be granted The CMPA’s Scholarship Fund reflects one of our main purposes: to support and benefit its members. Each year, the CMPA awards two $1,000 scholarship to members in good standing whose family members (spouse or children) are pursuing their first year of full or part time post-secondary education. One scholarship will be presented for entry into a university program, and one for entry into a college program. The attached documents provide full details regarding the rules and application process. Submissions can be emailed to [email protected].
By Tim Utton, Dir of Communications ![]() Earlier today, a post on another Facebook page was brought to my attention. No names, no pack drill, but a retired member wrote an open letter to the CMPA executive committee in which he cited a laundry list of all the reasons why people aren't interested in joining the CMPA. The member claimed that the CMPA didn't respect the service of retired members, claimed it wasn't responsive to the needs of retired members, yet he didn't offer any concrete solutions for positive change, just an ultimatum to "do better" or else see membership plummet. My initial reaction was one of anger: I spend untold hours every week updating and maintaining the website, creating fresh content, updating the Facebook page, YouTube channel, and Twitter feed. I do this on top of working an 10-hr a day staff job while still trying to find time for my family. I'm not looking for applause...I do this because I love this Branch and have nothing but the utmost respect for every member of the MP family...serving AND retired. Everyone on our executive committee is composed of serving and retired members, as well as spouses of serving members, and they all feel the same way I do. But the anger was a personal reaction...and honestly, maybe the person making the complaint had a point. My my second reaction was one of frustration: you may recall several blog posts I put up earlier this year, advertising numerous vacancies in the CMPA. We are desperately seeking new blood and fresh ideas to re-energize the CMPA. To date, we have received only one query, despite the blog entries and corresponding Facebook posts having been viewed thousands of times. I can't speak for other members of the executive, but I'm not a member of the closed Facebook page where the post was made. If someone hadn't shown it to me this morning, I would never have known there was some dissatisfaction out there. So, here's the sales pitch. If what we're doing isn't working, you need to tell us directly...preferably with some suggestions on how we can improve. Nobody on the committee is here to dictate to you what the CMPA will provide; after all, this is YOUR association. I guarantee that I will listen and if your suggestion or complaint makes sense, it will be considered, and may even be implemented. Even better...get involved! When I was a Pte many years ago, my first Shift IC gave me a piece of advice I've never forgotten: "instead of just bitching, come up with a solution". It was good advice then, and it still is. So so my challenge to you is this: tell us what you want the CMPA to be. Tell us what works. Tells us what doesn't work. Let's work together towards a common goal rather than just complaining without offering solutions. I hope you'll take up my challenge, and that you'll share this post to as many people as possible. Let's open up a positive dialogue for the sole purpose of making the CMPA the best possible association we can for serving and retired MPs. We are the only official MP association in Canada...we owe it to ourselves to make it the best one we can. 15 June 1940 The Canadian Provost Corps (C Pro C) is formed. The C Pro C would continue to provide policing services to the Canadian Army until unification in 1968. Its history and traditions are still observed in today's Military Police Branch.
10 June 1995 The Master Access Control System (MACS) went on line at 22 Wing North Bay, thus eliminating the requirement for 4 or more MP to be assigned access control duties at any given time. This was the first time a fully computerized and automated access system was utilized by the Canadian Forces. ![]() A member of the Military Police guarding the North Tunnel entrance to the NORAD underground complex at CFB North Bay, circa 1969. The MP detachment was situated directly above this tunnel, and featured a cargo elevator that reached down to just inside the tunnel entrance. (Photo: Canadian Forces / Department of National Defence) Article by Capt Dan Partello, CFMPA Photos: Sgt Mike Catania, CFMPA On 27 May 2016, CFB Borden hosted Health and Fitness day at the Base. Sponsored by Personnel Support Programs (PSP), the event was designed to raise awareness of the importance of health and fitness to the defence community. ![]() One of the day's events was 4-hour spin class marathon; teams consisting of two members would take turns pedaling while attempting to obtain the highest caloric consumption. Pictured here are Canadian Forces Military Police Academy (CFMPA) staff members Sgt Elton Adams (right) and Sgt Jamie Deslaurier (left), who came out on top as CFB Borden’s Health and Fitness Day MP Spin-a-Thon Champions! ![]() CFMPA Commandant LCol Adam Battista also competed in a competed in the “Borden’s Fittest Soldier” competition. LCol Battista is pictured carrying an 80 lb sand bag as part of a timed obstacle course involving rowing, tire flips, a sled push and drag, an agility run followed by wall jumps, a 40 lb medicine ball throw and several variations of weighted carries. 6 June 1944 D-Day, Normandy. Six sections from 4 Provost Company landed on Juno Beach and partake in the assault that would eventually lead to the downfall of Nazi Germany on 7 May 1945.
Article by Capt Joanna Labonte, Public Affairs Officer, CF MP Group ![]() Kickstands up for the Military Police National Motorcycle Relay (MPNMR) will be on 31 July 2016 in Victoria, British Columbia. The MPNMR will travel across Canada, raising funds for the Military Police Fund for Blind Children (MPFBC). The final destination is Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador on 22 August 2016. The planning committee is still looking for national riders to take part in the relay and expects there will be great support and fundraising efforts on each leg of the coast-to-coast journey. Each year, hundreds of people across the country ride in the relay, volunteer to make the MPNMR a shining success and raise funds, which all go to visually impaired children. The MPNMR was founded in 2009 as a way to build comradery between Military Police motorcycle enthusiasts. It has grown to become a great supporter of charities such as the MPFBC. No longer limited to Military Police personnel, the MPNMR is now open to anyone (military or civilian) who wishes to join for a day, a province or the entire national relay. To learn more about the relay and how to get involved in your area, click here to visit the MPNMR webpage, or visit their Facebook page.
June 1964 The RCAF Police begin deploying 34 sentry dogs and their MP handlers to RCAF fighter bases throughout France and Germany. The sentry dogs were used to ensure the safety and security of nuclear weapons assigned to the RCAF. The sentry dog program, which was first introduced to the RCAF in 1963, lasted until 1972 when Canada eliminated its limited nuclear capability.
January 2025