We’ve learned the hard way that having a serving member function as the CMPA Gift Coordinator simply doesn’t work. Operational tempo, TD & deployments, and daily workload are simply incompatible with keeping on top of the massive amount of requests for Departure Gifts that arrive weekly. As a result, we continually find ourselves with a huge backlog of unfulfilled orders. This hurts our members and is unacceptable. However, we've now found a solution. Effective immediately, the CMPA Kit Shop has assumed full responsibility for members requesting Departure Gifts. A retired MP has stepped forward and volunteered his service as our new Gift Coordinator and will be working with the Kit Shop to ensure the backlog of orders is filled as quickly as possible, and that all new orders are processed in a timely fashion. This new process should address the current situation with the backlog of outstanding gifts. All requests for or queries about Departure Gifts should be sent to [email protected] It is important to stress that this is for departure gifts only and that we are still trying to find someone to coordinate Retirement Credentials. If you are interested in helping out with this function, please contact the kit shop at this email address. In the coming weeks we hope to be able to update the website with the new bylaw on Departure Gifts and an updated order form.
October 2024